Prepare Your Landscape for Hurricanes and Minimize Damage

It’s no secret that Florida is prone to severe weather events, including tropical storms and hurricanes. While you must take precautions to safeguard your home and personal belongings, it’s equally important to prepare your landscape for these potential hazards. If you want to make sure your landscaping is ready to weather another hurricane season, here are some tips to minimize damage and keep your property safe.

Trim Your Trees and Prune Your Shrubs

Overgrown trees and shrubs can easily become hazardous during storms. Potential damage includes falling limbs, broken branches, or uprooted trees. Regularly trim your trees and shrubs to prevent them from becoming too large and creating potential problems. Pruning your shrubs is also important to keep them from becoming top-heavy and potentially toppling over during high winds. A well-manicured landscape not only looks nice but can also reduce the risk of damage during hurricanes.

Learn More: Can I Prepare My Lawn for Summer Storm Season in Florida?

Secure Outdoor Furniture and Décor

Properly securing outdoor furniture and decor is essential to reducing potential damage to your landscape during a hurricane. Chairs, tables, and other outdoor furnishings can become projectiles during high winds, causing significant damage to your property if left unsecured. Consider bringing these items indoors or storing them in a garage or shed.

Remove Debris and Dead Plants

Clearing your lawn of dead branches, leaves, and debris can make a significant impact on preventing damage to your landscape. During high winds, debris has the potential to fly around and cause damage – not to mention the fact that it won’t look good, either. By removing any dead areas before a storm hits, you can also avoid the risk of mold and fungus forming on your lawn after the hurricane.

Keep Your Grass Healthy

A healthy lawn is a vital factor in reducing the potential for hurricane damage. Regular maintenance like watering and mowing typically isn’t enough to keep your grass healthy. By investing in lawn care from the experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control, you’ll take advantage of superior fertilization, aeration, and disease and pest control. That means your lawn is much less likely to be uprooted during violent weather. By keeping your lawn healthy and strong, you can reduce the potential for erosion, standing water, and mold growth.

Learn More: Central Florida Lawn Watering Tips

Get Your Landscaping Prepped for Hurricane Season

As a Florida homeowner, you know how important it is to be prepared for hurricane season. By taking steps to protect your lawn, trees, and shrubs in advance of a storm, you can minimize the potential for damage and ensure that your investment in your landscape is well-protected. At Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Debary, we provide superior lawn care, as well as tree and shrub care, to keep your landscape looking its best. Contact us today at (407) 880-6655 to learn more about how we can help you prepare for hurricane season.

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