Palmetto bugs are a common yet unnerving pest found throughout Florida. These pests can be challenging to deal with, especially if you don’t know much about them. We’ve put together this Palmetto Bug FAQ to help you learn more about them and how to get rid of palmetto bugs, so you can keep these nuisance pests from infesting your home.

What are palmetto bugs and how are they different from cockroaches?

Palmetto bugs are also commonly known as American cockroaches. They are one of the largest species of cockroaches in the world, and they can grow up to 2 inches in length. Palmetto bugs are reddish-brown in color and have wings that enable them to fly.

The main difference between palmetto bugs and other types of cockroaches is their size. Unlike smaller cockroaches, palmetto bugs are much easier to identify, and their wings make them easily distinguishable from other insects.

How do I know if I have palmetto bugs in my home?

One of the most obvious signs of a palmetto bug infestation is actually seeing them. Palmetto bugs are active at night, and they typically hide during the day.

You might see them scurrying across your floors or walls or even flying around your home. Another sign of an infestation is finding droppings or shed skin around your home.

Where do palmetto bugs come from, and how do they get into my home?

Palmetto bugs typically live in warm and moist environments, which is why they thrive in South Florida. They can be found in areas with high humidity, such as basements, bathrooms, and kitchens.

These crafty bugs can enter your home through cracks or gaps in your walls, doors, or windows. They can also hitch a ride on things like clothing, shoes, or backpacks, which is why it’s important to check your belongings before bringing them inside.

How can I get rid of palmetto bugs?

One of the most effective ways to get rid of palmetto bugs is to use a combination of preventative measures and treatment methods. To prevent them from entering your home, seal any cracks or gaps with caulk or weatherstripping. Eliminate any potential food or water sources, such as standing water, leftover food, or garbage.

If you’re dealing with an infestation of any size or severity, it’s best to contact the pest control professionals at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control who have the tools and expertise to eliminate these nasty bugs.

Learn More: How Can I Prepare for My Pest Control Treatment?

How can I prevent palmetto bugs from coming back?

If you want to prevent palmetto bugs from coming back, you’ll need to take a few preventative measures. First, make sure to keep your home clean and free of clutter. This will eliminate any potential hiding spots for the bugs.

You should also keep your home dry and well-ventilated, as palmetto bugs thrive in moist environments. Lastly, seal any cracks or gaps in your home’s exterior to prevent the bugs from entering.

Learn More: How Does Integrated Pest Management Work?

The Best Way to Deal With a Palmetto Bug Infestation

It’s no secret that palmetto bugs are disgusting and, unfortunately, they’re common throughout Florida. The best way to prevent a palmetto bug infestation—or to remove an existing one—is to rely on the expertise of the pest control experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Apopka. Using eco-friendly techniques, we’ll rid your home of these creepy-crawly pests for good. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 for your free estimate!

As much as Floridians love their sunshine and warm weather, it’s impossible to avoid the fact that the state is vulnerable to hurricanes, tropical storms, and heavy rainfall. And while many Floridians take time to prepare their homes and families for these events, it’s just as important to prepare your lawn for storm season. So, can you get your lawn in shape for hurricane season? Absolutely! Let’s explore the top ways to do just that.

Preserve Your Trees

Your trees are not only an integral part of your landscape, but they also provide necessary shade and shelter during the hot summer months. However, during a storm, they can pose a significant risk to your property. Work with tree care experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control to determine the health of your trees including insect and disease prevention. This way, you can prevent your trees from becoming hazardous to your property.

Learn More: Are Your Trees Ready for the Next Florida Hurricane?

Clear Debris

The last thing you want during a storm is loose branches, leaves, or other debris scattered all over your lawn. A cluttered lawn can cause physical damage and prevent proper water drainage. So, take time to remove any debris from your lawn and make sure to dispose of it properly. You should also remove any overhanging branches or limbs that may fall and cause harm to your property—or your neighbor’s.

Check Drainage Systems

Proper drainage is crucial during heavy rainfall to prevent water accumulation and potential flooding. So, make sure your gutters, downspouts, and drains are clear of debris and functioning properly. If you notice any issues, contact a professional emergency service to assist you.

Secure Outdoor Items

Strong winds during a storm can cause significant damage to outdoor furniture, garden tools, and decorative items. Store or secure any outdoor items that could be easily blown away or damaged by strong winds. This step will give you peace of mind during major storms.

Maintain Healthy Turf

A healthy lawn is more likely to resist damage from heavy rain and storms. To maintain healthy grass, mow your lawn at the appropriate height, water it adequately, and fertilize as needed according to the lawn care experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control. The right fertilizer promotes strong root growth, ensuring you have a lawn capable of fighting adverse weather conditions.

Learn More: Lawn Care Tips & Tricks for Beginners

Get Your Lawn Prepped for Storm Season in Florida

Need help getting your yard in shape before hurricane season arrives? The lawn, tree, and shrub care experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Orlando can help with all your lawn care needs, including storm preparation. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 for your free estimate!

Cockroaches are notorious for their resilient and industrious nature. No matter how rigorously you clean your home, these pests seem to always find their way back. It can be frustrating to see them scurrying around, especially if you’ve put in a lot of effort to keep things tidy. The unfortunate truth is that having a clean living space doesn’t necessarily mean you’re immune to a roach infestation. Here are three likely reasons why you may be seeing cockroaches in your clean home.

They’re Seeking Shelter

Cockroaches are always on the hunt for a safe place to call home, and they’re experts at finding tiny gaps and crevices to make their way inside homes. Even the smallest openings, such as the space between an exterior door and the floor, can be an easy entry point for cockroaches.

Industrious cockroaches can crawl through vents and gaps around window AC units, and they can even tear through screens on windows and doors. Plus, they can hitch a ride on your clothes or groceries and make their way inside. Perform perimeter checks around your home every few weeks and seal any gaps that could be potential entry points for cockroaches and other nuisance pests.

Learn More: Most Common Areas American Roaches Nest in Homes

They’re Seeking Water

Like humans, roaches can’t survive without water. In fact, they can live up to a month without food, but only one week without water. Roaches are always seeking a water source, so even if your home is squeaky clean, excess moisture can still attract them. Repair any leaks you have around your house, no matter how minor they seem, to create a less-hospitable environment for these pests.

They’re Seeking Food

Have you ever noticed how roaches seem to appear out of thin air in the kitchen, even if you’ve been keeping things tidy? Unfortunately, these nasty bugs are experts at finding food scraps that we may have missed. They can sniff out crumbs under the appliances or inside the pantry that we thought were long gone. And if you have pets, leaving their food out overnight can be like an all-you-can-eat buffet for roaches.

So, what’s the big deal about having a few roaches in the kitchen? Well, for starters, they can contaminate your food and water with their yucky germs. And if you have allergies or asthma, their allergens can do a number on your respiratory system. Keep your kitchen spotlessly clean to reduce your chances of an infestation.

Learn More: Our Seasonal Guide to Common Florida Pests

Say Goodbye to Roaches for Good!

Unfortunately, if you spot one roach in your home, chances are good that there are many others nearby. A cockroach infestation is one of the hardest pest problems to deal with, and DIY methods rarely work. Get your roach problem solved quickly with the help of the pest control experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Orlando. Using eco-friendly methods that are safe for your family and pets, we’ll take care of a cockroach infestation once and for all. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 for your free estimate!

Floridians know that as temperatures get hot, mosquitoes get active. We’ve all experienced these pesky bloodsuckers buzzing around in their relentless quest for a meal. But have you ever wondered if wearing clothes is a good barrier against these nuisances—and potentially dangerous—pests? Read on to learn the truth behind this common myth, as well as effective ways to protect your family from mosquitoes this summer.

Clothes Don’t Keep Mosquitoes Away

As much as we may wish it were true, donning a long-sleeved shirt and pants won’t always keep those pesky mosquitoes at bay. While it’s true that mosquitoes prefer direct access to skin, they’re not above biting through clothing if given the opportunity. Their needle-like mouthparts can pierce through fabrics—including jeans and your favorite t-shirt—leaving itchy bites behind.

Learn More: What Is the New Invasive Bug in Florida?

Top 4 Mosquito Prevention Tips

While it’s true that covering your skin with clothing isn’t an effective way to keep mosquitoes from biting, there are some mosquito prevention methods that help keep these nasty pests at bay:

1. Remove Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so it is essential to remove any container or area that can hold water. Check for areas with standing water like flowerpots, bird baths, gutters, and tree holes. If you have a birdbath, replace the water every few days. Keep empty containers upside down or covered, especially after rains.

2. Use Mosquito Repellents: A mosquito repellent can be a lifesaver when it comes to protecting yourself from mosquitoes. Use mosquito creams, lotions, and sprays when you head outdoors, especially during dusk and dawn. For added protection, wear clothes that cover most of your body, and also use a mosquito net while sleeping.

3. Install Window Screens: Installing window screens is a simple yet effective way to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. Install window screens on all windows and doors, and make sure they do not have any holes or gaps. Keep the windows closed in the evening and night when the mosquitoes are most active.

4. Plant Mosquito-Repellent Plants: Certain plants like lavender, marigold, and citronella are considered natural mosquito-repellent plants. These plants emit a fragrance that is unpleasant to mosquitoes and keeps them away. Planting these plants outside your home or keeping them indoors can help keep the mosquitoes at bay.

Learn More: How Can I Control Mosquitoes at an Outdoor Event?

The Best Way to Prevent Mosquitoes in Your Yard

Summer evenings should be spent relaxing with a cold drink, not swatting frantically at pesky mosquitoes. These insects not only ruin a peaceful evening, but they also pose a danger to you and your family’s health by carrying diseases. The good news is that you don’t have to accept mosquitoes as a fact of life any longer. Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control’s mosquito control program is the solution you’ve been searching for.

With our eco-friendly solutions, you can say goodbye to irritating bites and the worry of mosquito-borne illnesses. Our effective treatment will eliminate adult mosquitoes and prevent their offspring from maturing, ensuring that your yard is a comfortable and safe haven all season long. Call the mosquito control experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Apopka today at (407) 880-6655 to enjoy a mosquito-free summer!
