There are all kinds of nuisance pests in a place like Central Florida—after all, they love the warm weather just as much as we do! Whether it’s those pesky fleas or the creepy crawlies like ants and spiders, it can feel like a never-ending battle trying to keep them out of your home. Unfortunately, some pests are much more difficult to get rid of than others. Here are the three hardest household pests to remove once they’ve set up shop in your space.

1. Termites

Termites are tiny but mighty pests that can cause substantial damage to a home. Termites eat wood, and if left uncontrolled, they can cause structural problems to a house. This can result in costly repairs, making it essential to get rid of termites as soon as possible. Unfortunately, getting rid of termites is not a straightforward task because they live inside the wood and are not often visible. You need the expert assistance of termite control professionals at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control to detect and eradicate termites once and for all. DIY options are ineffective, often leaving the core of the infestation alive.

Learn More: 4 Signs There Are Termites in Your House & How We Can Help

2. Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are annoying and can transmit diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, West Nile virus, and the Zika virus. Eliminating the population of mosquitoes in the home is a challenging task since they breed in stagnant water, usually on a property. It means that homeowners need to eliminate any possible breeding areas (standing water) such as flower pots, water containers, and bird baths, among others.

Mosquito repellant and citronella candles can only go so far. With eco-friendly mosquito control treatments from the experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control, you can enjoy a mosquito-free yard and make the most of your outdoor space.

Learn More: What Is the New Invasive Bug in Florida?

3. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are common household pests, capable of triggering asthma and allergies. They are mostly active at night and are known to be one of the most resilient pests worldwide. These pests can live in challenging conditions, such as tiny cracks. They reproduce rapidly, making it difficult for homeowners to keep up with them.

Cockroaches are known to adapt to new environments quickly, making traditional pest control more complicated. Eliminating food resources and keeping a house clean can help reduce their population, but if they are already present in large numbers, homeowners have no choice but to seek professional pest control help.

Pests Are No Match for Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control

No matter what type of nuisance pests you’re dealing with, the pest control experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Apopka can help. Our eco-friendly treatments eliminate pests while keeping your family and the environment safe. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 for your free pest evaluation and stop living with creepy crawlies for good!

When it comes to maintaining a lush, healthy lawn, you can’t overstate the importance of professional lawn aeration. Not only does it help to improve the flow of air, water, and nutrients to your grass’ roots, but it’s also a relatively simple process. Once you’ve aerated your lawn, it’s important to take a few extra steps to make sure that your grass stays lush and vibrant. With a little bit of TLC and the right kind of maintenance, there’s no reason why your grass can’t be the envy of the neighborhood. Here’s exactly what you should do after your lawn’s been aerated.

1. Seed Your Lawn

After lawn aeration, the small holes punctured into your turf allow for more air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass—that’s why the perfect time to seed your lawn is directly after aeration. This gives the new grass a better chance to thrive and grow since it has access to these beneficial resources. Plus, a thicker, fuller lawn not only looks better – it can also help prevent weed growth and soil erosion.

Learn More: The Top Benefits of Lawn Aeration in Florida

2. Water Your Lawn

It’s important to water your lawn right away after aeration to keep the soil from getting dry. The loosened soil can lose its moisture in no time, and that could hurt the grass’ growth. So, make sure to water deeply, allowing the water to seep down at least six inches deep into the soil. This nourishment will encourage robust root growth, which will help your grass recover promptly from the aeration.

3. Fertilize Your Lawn

If you’re looking to get the greenest, most vibrant lawn on the block, you’ll want to pay attention to this critical step: fertilizing directly after aeration. That’s why Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control’s aeration services come paired with a custom fertilization program tailored to your lawn’s needs.

Our expert technicians use only the highest-quality, slow-release fertilizer containing natural minerals and micronutrients to ensure your grass gets all the nutrients it needs to thrive. When our aeration service is paired with a fertilization program, your lawn can absorb those nutrients over an extended period, meaning you’ll be seeing lush, healthy growth in no time.

4. Mow Your Lawn

It’s important to resist the urge to mow right after aeration. Waiting 2 to 4 weeks after aeration to mow is beneficial for your lawn. By giving your turf time to recover, you’re allowing the roots to grow deeper and reinforce the soil. Once it’s time to mow, be sure to adjust the height of your mower blades to match the recommended height for your type of grass.

Learn More: Our Top Lawn Care Tips for Your Florida Home

5. Keep Heavy Traffic Off Your Lawn

Aeration does wonders for your grass, but before you step outside to admire your thriving turf, you need to give your lawn some time to heal. It’s recommended that you avoid heavy traffic on your newly aerated lawn for at least two weeks. Parking heavy equipment or vehicles on your lawn during this time is also a big no-no. Think of it as the grass taking a well-deserved vacation before it performs better than ever.

Prime Your Yard for Lush, Healthy Growth With Professional Lawn Aeration

Professional lawn aeration gives your Orlando yard some time to breathe, helping it soak up essential nutrients that lead to healthy growth. If you’re ready to get your lawn in the best shape it’s ever been with lawn aeration, don’t wait to contact the lawn care experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Orlando. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 for your free lawn care evaluation!

Have you ever found a cluster of ants in your yard and wondered if they were fire ants? Fire ants are common in many parts of the U.S., including Florida, and aside from their painful stings, they can potentially cause allergic reactions and medical complications. The good news is that there are effective ways to control these pesky pests with the help of a professional. Here’s how you can I.D. and manage fire ants in your yard.

Is It a Fire Ant?

If ants have moved into your yard, you don’t have to get stung to determine whether they’re fire ants and not simply common red ants. Some of the distinguishing characteristics of fire ants include:

  • Dull red body coloration, ranging from reddish-brown to reddish-black
  • Size variation of 1/16 to ¼-inch long for worker ants (in contrast, most ant species have consistent sizes)
  • Narrow, pinched waists that have two prominent nodes in front of the abdomen

Perhaps an even better—and safer—method of identifying fire ants is to scan your property for fire ant mounds. Making an analysis from a distance can keep you from accidentally being bitten by these nasty critters. Here’s how you can determine if a mound in your yard is actually home to fire ants:

  • Fire ant mounds are unique in that they have no center hole. Instead, the ants enter and exit the mound through a system of underground tunnels.
  • If any mounds in your yard appeared shortly after a rain, it’s a good sign they’re home to fire ants. Fire ants stay underground to stay cool, and when rain comes, the ants come to the surface to build mounds.
  • Fire ants like to build their mounds in sunny, open areas, so mounds in shady spots are unlikely. In well-manicured yards, fire ant mounds stay small at just a few inches high. In unmaintained areas or open pastures, look for mounds that can reach up to 18 inches tall, or higher!

Learn More: 4 Tips for Protecting Your Children From Fire Ants

How to Manage Fire Ants

If you suspect fire ants have made themselves at home in your yard, the best way to deal with an infestation is to ask your local fire ant control experts for help. Rather than risking getting stung yourself, the experts know what it takes to eliminate a colony at its source, all while using eco-friendly methods that keep your family and pets safe.

Learn More: Pests Every Central Florida Homeowner Should Recognize

Fire Ants in Your Yard? Call Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control Today!

Fire ants are a threat to the health and safety of your family, which is why it’s so critical to remain vigilant and act quickly if these harmful pests have invaded your yard. If you notice new ant mounds in your yard and don’t know if they’re home to fire ants, don’t leave it to guesswork. Call Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Debary today at (407) 880-6655 for your free pest evaluation.

Trying your best to maintain a healthy, green lawn? Aeration is a crucial step you shouldn’t skip. Aeration is the process of creating small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and fertilizer to penetrate deeper into the roots of your grass. So, why is this step so important? Here are the top benefits of lawn aeration in Florida.

Relieves Soil Compaction

One of the main benefits of this process is that it helps to reduce soil compaction. Over time, foot traffic, mowing, and even normal rainfall can put a great deal of pressure on your lawn’s soil, causing it to become compacted and hardened. All this pressure can make it hard for air, water, and nutrients to penetrate and reach the roots of your grass, which can lead to a dull, unhealthy-looking lawn.

With lawn aeration, small holes are punched into the soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to flow freely. This can help to improve the overall health of your lawn and give it a more vibrant appearance.

Learn More: Benefits of Lawn Aeration

Promotes Healthy Root Growth

Lawn aeration aids in healthy, resilient root growth by allowing water, air, and nutrients to penetrate deep into the soil, where the grass roots reside. Aeration creates favorable conditions for the roots to grow stronger, deeper, and more extensive, and stronger roots mean a healthier lawn that can withstand stress, drought, and other environmental challenges. Extensive root systems can also reduce soil compaction, prevent erosion, and help your turf absorb more nutrients and water, resulting in a greener and thicker lawn.

Reduces Thatch

Thatch is a layer of dead plant material that accumulates between the soil surface and living vegetation. While some amount of thatch is natural and beneficial, too much can be harmful. It restricts the flow of water, air, and nutrients to the roots of your grass. Too much thatch can also attract pests like chinch bugs, which can quickly escalate into a full-blown infestation. With proper aeration, the roots of your grass are given room to grow deeper and stronger, resulting in a more resilient lawn that is less susceptible to disease and pests.

Reduces Runoff

It’s no secret that rains are common in Florida during your lawn’s prime growing season. When soil is compacted, water has a harder time penetrating and instead, it ends up pooling on top. This not only creates a muddy mess, but can also attract insects and diseases that thrive in damp environments. Aeration helps by creating small holes in the soil that allow water to seep deeper and more evenly throughout your lawn. By preventing runoff, your grass can absorb more nutrients and moisture, so you can avoid a soggy lawn and the problems that come with it.

Learn More: Our Top Lawn Care Tips for Your Florida Home

Let Your Lawn Breathe With Professional Aeration

If you want a healthy, lush, green lawn, then you can’t skip lawn aeration. And when it comes to aeration, Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Leesburg is the only name to call. Our core aeration services help your lawn breathe, so it’s primed for healthy, long-term growth. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 to schedule service!
