While Florida residents love the state’s unique warm and humid climate, so do many nuisance and damaging pests—including termites. These destructive bugs can cause extensive damage to your property if you don’t address an infestation right away. One of the most common signs of a termite infestation is a termite swarm, but they come in different forms depending on what type of termite you’re dealing with. Here’s our guide to the different types of termite swarms found in Florida and what you should do if you encounter one.

Subterranean Termite Swarms

Subterranean termites are among the most destructive termite species in Florida. They build their nests underground and require moisture to survive. Subterranean termite swarms usually occur during the spring and early summer, triggered by warm temperatures and rain. These swarms consist of thousands of winged reproductive termites, known as alates, which emerge from the colony to find a mate and establish new colonies.

Learn More: Termite Swarming Season – What You Need to Know

Drywood Termite Swarms

Drywood termites differ from subterranean termites as they create their nests within the wood they infest. They do not require contact with the soil and can be found in wooden structures such as furniture, framing, and beams. Drywood termite swarms occur less frequently than subterranean termite swarms and are often triggered by warm weather. Their swarming process is similar to subterranean termites, with alates seeking mates and new nesting sites.

Dampwood Termite Swarms

Dampwood termites are attracted to wood with high moisture content and are commonly found in decaying logs or damp areas within structures. While their swarms are less common than those of subterranean or drywood termites, they can still cause significant damage. Dampwood termite swarms typically occur in late summer or early fall when humidity levels are high.

Formosan Termite Swarms

Formosan termites are an invasive species that has been causing significant damage across Florida. They are aggressive and have massive colonies capable of causing extensive destruction in a short amount of time. Formosan termite swarms usually occur during the late spring and early summer, coinciding with warmer and more humid conditions.

Learn More: What Time of Year Are Termites Most Active in Florida?

Don’t Wait for Termites to Damage Your Home—Call Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control Right Away

Identifying a termite swarm can be challenging, but one thing is certain—seeing any termite swarm is a problem that you can’t ignore. If you see a termite swarm near your property, reach out to the termite control experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Leesburg. Using eco-friendly techniques backed by a 5-year guarantee, we’ll help you get rid of a termite infestation for good. Don’t wait for termites to do more damage to your home—call us today at (407) 880-6655 to schedule your free termite evaluation.

Dealing with a termite infestation can be a homeowner’s nightmare. Termites can cause extensive damage to your property, leading to costly repairs and compromised structural integrity. When it comes to termite control, one product that stands out is Termidor. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the reasons why Termidor is our preferred choice for effective and lasting termite control.

Proven Effectiveness

Termidor has earned its reputation as a highly effective termite control solution. Its active ingredient, fipronil, targets termites through a unique “Transfer Effect.” When termites encounter Termidor-treated soil or materials, they unknowingly transfer the lethal substance to their nest mates, including the queen. This leads to the gradual and systematic elimination of the entire colony, ensuring comprehensive termite control.

Learn More: Do Most Homes in Florida Have Termites?

Non-Repellent Formula

Unlike traditional repellent termiticides that create barriers that termites can avoid, Termidor is a non-repellent product. This means that termites cannot detect the presence of Termidor, and they unknowingly encounter it as they forage. This attribute allows for a more effective and widespread application, reaching even the most hidden parts of a termite colony.

Long-Lasting Residual Action

Termidor’s formulation is designed to have a long-lasting residual effect. Once applied, it remains active in the soil for an extended period, providing ongoing protection against future termite infestations. This longevity ensures that your property remains safeguarded, even as time passes.

No Disruption to Your Home

Termidor’s application process is minimally invasive and does not require major disruptions to your home or landscaping. It is applied to the soil around your property’s perimeter or directly to infested wood. This targeted approach minimizes any inconvenience to you and your family while effectively treating the termite problem.

Versatility of Application

Termidor can be applied both as a liquid solution and as foam, allowing for versatile use depending on the situation. The liquid formulation is ideal for creating a protective barrier around your property, while the foam formulation can be injected into wall voids, crawl spaces, and other hard-to-reach areas where termites might be hiding.

Learn More: How Often Should I Treat for Termites in Florida?

Trusted by Professionals

Termidor is a product that has gained the trust of pest control professionals just like us across the industry. Its track record of success, combined with its innovative approach to termite elimination, makes it a staple in many pest control companies’ arsenals.

At the First Sign of Termites, Call the Termite Control Experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control

If you’ve noticed signs of a termite infestation at your home, don’t wait to call the termite control experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Debary. We proudly use Termidor, the leading termite control product on the market. Our services are backed by a 5-year termite-free guarantee, so you can enjoy peace of mind that you’re investing in long-term protection for your property. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 to schedule your free termite evaluation.

Have you ever heard of Caribbean Crazy Ants? These vicious little creatures are one of the newest nuisance pests in South Florida—and they’re wreaking havoc on both residential and commercial properties alike. Known for their erratic and unpredictable behavior, Caribbean Crazy Ants can be quite challenging to get rid of. Read on to learn all about these troublesome critters and how you can effectively eliminate them.

What are Caribbean Crazy Ants?

Caribbean Crazy Ants, also known as Nylanderia pubens, are tiny, reddish-brown ants that measure only about 2 to 3 mm long. They are native to the Caribbean Islands but have since migrated to other parts of the world, including South Florida.

Caribbean Crazy Ants are considered invasive due to their rapid rate of reproduction and high adaptability to various environments. They’re attracted to sugary foods, plants, and insects—and they can easily find their way into homes and buildings through cracks and crevices.

Learn More: DIY-ing Pest Control – Is It Worth It?

Signs of Caribbean Crazy Ant Infestation

How do you know if you have a Caribbean Crazy Ant problem on your hands? Some telltale signs of infestation include the presence of a large number of tiny ants crawling on walls, floors, and surfaces, especially in the kitchen and bathroom areas. You may also notice that your food items have been disturbed, and there may be small piles of dirt or dust near baseboards and walls. When in doubt, call in your trusted pest control experts to determine what pest you’re dealing with and the best way to treat the problem.

How to Get Rid of Caribbean Crazy Ants

Getting rid of Caribbean Crazy Ants can be difficult on your own since traditional ant baits don’t work for these pests. Here are some tips and strategies to get an infestation under control:

  • Find and seal off all entry points, including cracks, crevices, and holes in the walls and foundation.
  • Trim back any overgrown bushes, shrubs, or trees that may provide nesting sites for the ants.
  • Use insecticides carefully and only as directed by the manufacturer. Avoid using toxic chemicals that could pose a risk to your family and pets.
  • Consider using non-toxic home remedies such as boric acid, baking soda, and vinegar to deter and kill the ants.
  • Seek the services of licensed pest control experts who can create customized treatment plans that are effective and long-lasting.

Learn More: 4 Invasive Ants in South Florida & Why They’re a Problem

Don’t Let Caribbean Crazy Ants Overrun Your Home—Call Service Choice of South Florida Today!

Caribbean Crazy Ants may be small, but they can cause significant damage to your property and invade your personal space. DIY methods rarely work against these pests, and the best way to ensure complete eradication is to call in the pest control experts at Service Choice of South Florida. Our team of trained professionals will assess your unique situation and provide tailored solutions that are both effective and safe for your family and pets. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 to say goodbye to these nuisance pests for good!

Tired of seeing brown patches on your lawn? It might be due to the damage caused by chinch bugs. These tiny insects measure only about the size of a pencil eraser, but they can cause major damage to your lawn if you don’t deal with an infestation quickly and efficiently. Chinch bugs are a common pest throughout South Florida, but with the right strategies in place, you can remove a chinch bug infestation and keep it from coming back. Read on to discover five simple tips that help you avoid chinch bug lawn damage and keep your lawn looking lush and green all year round.

1. Keep your Lawn Healthy

The first step to avoiding chinch bug lawn damage is to keep your lawn healthy. A healthy lawn can better withstand the damage caused by chinch bugs. Make sure to fertilize regularly, water deeply, and mow at the right height. Avoid overwatering your lawn, as it can create an ideal environment for chinch bugs to thrive.

Learn More: What Your Lawn Is Telling You—Common Problems & Solutions

2. Monitor the Signs of chinch Bug Damage

Keep an eye out for the signs of chinch bug damage. The most common signs of a chinch bug problem are:

  • Yellowing or browning of grass: chinch bug damage often starts with patches of grass turning yellow or brown, indicating stress and damage to the turf.
  • Irregularly shaped dead patches of turf: The affected areas of turf may have distinct boundaries, forming irregular patches of dead or dying grass.
  • Presence of chinch bugs: You might observe small, dark-colored insects with white markings on their wings within the affected areas, especially near the soil surface.

3. Use Insecticidal Soap

Insecticidal soap is an effective and natural way to control chinch bugs. Using this soap will not only get rid of chinch bugs, but it will also prevent them from coming back in the future. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label carefully and spray the soap in the areas where chinch bugs are present.

4. Practice Good Lawn Care

Good lawn care practices can go a long way in preventing chinch bug damage. Aerate your lawn once a year to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots. Mulch your grass clippings instead of bagging them to create a natural fertilizer. Use organic lawn care products to avoid harsh chemicals that can harm your lawn.

Learn More: Can chinch Bugs Be Transferred by Lawnmowers?

Contact a Reputable Pest Control Company

The very best way to deal with a chinch bug infestation is to contact a reputable pest control company as soon as possible. Remember, though, that not all pest control companies are created equal, and most of them don’t know how to treat chinch bug damage. Evergreen of West Palm Beach understands how to treat chinch bugs and keep them away from your property, so they stop doing damage to your lawn.

Keep chinch Bugs Away From Your Lawn With the Help of Evergreen

If you suspect chinch bugs have moved into your lawn, don’t wait to call the pest control experts at Evergreen of West Palm Beach. We’ll remove a chinch bug infestation and keep these damaging pests from returning. Call us today at (561) 734-9269 for your free consultation and say goodbye to chinch bugs for good!
