Orlando is no stranger to insect pests year-round thanks to its warm, humid climate. Whether you’re dealing with mosquitoes, ants, or other common pests, do you know when it’s time to call pest control experts for help? Fall is a unique season in Central Florida, with its milder temperatures and decreased rainfall, so it’s an ideal time for pest control. Let’s explore why fall is a good time to spray for bugs in Central Florida.

Why Fall Is Ideal for Pest Control in Central Florida

While summer is prime time for pests in Orlando and the greater Central Florida region, nuisance and even dangerous pests are active in fall. Here’s why you should reach out to your pest control pros:

  • Reduced Pest Activity: During the fall months in Central Florida, many insect pests start to slow down. As the summer heat fades, insects are less active. This makes it an opportune time to target remaining pests with control measures.
  • Prevent Winter Infestations: By addressing pest problems in the fall, you can help prevent infestations from worsening as winter approaches. Many pests seek shelter and warmth indoors as temperatures drop, so treating them now can deter them from invading your home.
  • Decreased Rainfall: Fall in Central Florida typically sees less rainfall than the summer months. Reduced moisture can make your pest control efforts more effective since many pests are drawn to damp conditions. With drier weather, you have a better chance of keeping pests at bay.

Learn More: Is Quarterly Pest Control Necessary in Florida?

Tips for Effective Fall Pest Control

There are some simple ways to keep your home and yard pest-free this fall—and beyond. Follow these simple strategies:

  • Identify Common Pests: Central Florida is home to a variety of pests, including mosquitoes, ants, roaches, and spiders. Identify the specific pests you’re dealing with to choose the most appropriate treatment methods. When in doubt, call your local pest control experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control for accurate identification.
  • Target Breeding Sites: Mosquitoes, in particular, can be a nuisance in Central Florida. Eliminate standing water in your yard, as this is where they lay their eggs. Regularly empty containers and use larvicide products to prevent mosquito breeding.
  • Consider Professional Pest Control: If you’re dealing with a severe infestation or want to ensure comprehensive, family-safe pest control, contact the pros at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control. They have the expertise and resources to address pest problems effectively and in an eco-friendly way.
  • Seal Entry Points: As temperatures drop, pests may seek shelter indoors. Inspect your home for potential entry points, such as cracks, gaps, and openings, and seal them to prevent pests from getting inside.
  • Maintain Landscaping: Trim bushes, trees, and shrubs away from your home, as pests often use overhanging branches as bridges to gain access to your property.
  • Fall Yard Cleanup: As part of your fall yard maintenance routine, clean up debris, fallen leaves, and other organic matter. This reduces hiding spots and breeding grounds for pests.

Learn More: The Ultimate Guide to Seasonal Florida Pests

Call Now to Enjoy a Pest-Free Home and Yard This Fall

Don’t let pests ruin your fall! Contact the pest control experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Orlando. Whether you’re dealing with mosquitoes or cockroaches, spiders or ants, and anything in between, we’ll use eco-friendly treatments to get rid of them for good. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 for your free pest evaluation.

Wondering if you should fertilize your lawn this fall? As the summer season comes to a close, the lush, green grass that graced your yard a few months ago may be starting to lose its vibrancy. September is actually a great time to give your lawn the boost it needs for healthy growth in the upcoming months. Let’s explore why September is an ideal time for lawn fertilization in South Florida.

The Benefits of September Fertilization

Fertilizing your lawn in September is well worth it. Here’s why:

  • Milder Weather: South Florida’s scorching summer heat can make it challenging to keep your lawn looking its best. By September, the weather starts to cool down, making it more comfortable to work in your yard. Additionally, the cooler temperatures promote better nutrient absorption in your grass, making it the perfect time for fertilization.
  • Encouraging Root Growth: Fertilizing in September allows your grass to focus on root development rather than top growth. Stronger, deeper roots help your lawn withstand the occasional drought and maintain its health throughout the year.
  • Preventing Weeds: Applying fertilizer now can help your grass thicken up, creating a dense turf that naturally inhibits weed growth. It’s a proactive measure that reduces the need for herbicides later on.
  • Preparing for Spring: A September fertilizer application sets the stage for a beautiful, lush lawn come springtime. The nutrients your grass receives now will be stored and used when it begins growing again in the spring. It’s like giving your turf a head start!

Learn More: What Your Lawn Is Telling You – Common Problems & Solutions

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

Different grass types require different fertilizers. You need to consider the specific needs of your grass type. In our region, those include St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Zoysia, each with their specific requirements.

For example, St. Augustine grass thrives with a fertilizer high in nitrogen and potassium. Bermuda grass, on the other hand, prefers a balanced fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content. Zoysia grass benefits from a slow-release fertilizer that provides a steady supply of nutrients over time.

It’s best to consult with a lawn care expert, so you can determine the ideal fertilizer blend for your lawn’s needs. We ensure your grass receives the right nutrients in the right quantities, promoting healthy growth and vitality.

Learn More: Ultimate Guide to Granular vs. Liquid Fertilizers

Service Choice of South Florida: Your Fertilization Experts

At Service Choice of South Florida, we understand that maintaining a beautiful lawn in South Florida can be challenging, no matter the time of year. Our team of experienced professionals is well-versed in the unique needs of South Florida lawns and can provide expert guidance on lawn care practices like fertilization.

We know what works and when it works best, priming your yard for healthy growth next spring. With our expertise and top-quality products, you can trust that your lawn will be the envy of the neighborhood. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 and schedule your free lawn consultation!

Renting a property in Florida? One question that often arises is: Are landlords responsible for pest control? In the Sunshine State, where warm and humid conditions create an ideal habitat for pests year-round, this question is of utmost importance to both tenants and property owners. Let’s explore the responsibilities of landlords when it comes to pest control in Florida.

Florida’s Pest Problem

Florida’s climate with its high temperatures and humidity provides an ideal environment for a wide range of pests. From ants and cockroaches to termites and rodents, Florida homes are susceptible to infestations year-round. With this constant threat, it’s crucial to establish clear guidelines regarding pest control responsibilities.

Learn More: Our Seasonal Guide to Common Florida Pests

Landlord’s Responsibilities for Pest Control

In Florida, the responsibilities for pest control are often outlined in the lease agreement. However, there are some general guidelines that landlords should keep in mind:

  • Providing a Pest-Free Property: Landlords are generally responsible for ensuring that the property is pest-free when the tenant moves in. This includes treating any existing pest infestations before the tenant takes occupancy.
  • Providing Routine Pest Control: While routine pest control measures like regular inspections and preventative treatments, are not typically required by law, many landlords choose to include them in the lease agreement to maintain the property’s condition and prevent infestations.
  • Providing a Prompt Response to Pest Complaints: Under Florida regulations, landlords must respond swiftly when a tenant complains about a pest infestation. Once notified, they’re usually responsible for taking appropriate action to address the issue.
  • Maintaining a Pest-Free Environment: Landlords are responsible for maintaining the property in a way that prevents pests. This includes addressing issues like leaks, cracks, and holes that could provide entry points for pests.

Tenant’s Responsibilities for Pest Control

Tenants also play a role in pest control. It’s common for leases to include provisions requiring tenants to keep the property clean and report any pest issues promptly. Failure to maintain a clean living space could shift some responsibility for pest control back to the tenant.

Learn More: What Are the Hardest Household Pests to Get Rid Of?

Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control Keeps Your Living Space Pest-Free

Pest control is a year-round concern in Florida, and landlords and tenants should work together to address and prevent infestations. While landlords typically have a responsibility to ensure a pest-free property at the start of the lease and to respond to pest complaints promptly, the specifics can vary based on the lease agreement.

To navigate the complexities of pest control in Florida and maintain a pest-free property, it’s wise to partner with professionals like Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Debary. We know how to deal with Florida’s unique pest challenges and provide comprehensive pest control solutions to keep your property pest-free, both inside and out. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 to schedule your free pest evaluation.

A pristine, green lawn is the pride of many homeowners, but lurking beneath the surface, there can be a tiny yet destructive enemy: fire ants. These aggressive pests can quickly turn your beautiful lawn into a dangerous minefield, posing risks to both humans and pets. Let’s look closer at the ways fire ants can ruin your lawn and how to spot their presence without getting bit.

The Fire Ant Threat

Fire ants are notorious for their painful stings and aggressive behavior. These reddish-brown ants are invasive in many parts of the United States, especially in sunny Florida. They can inflict painful stings that result in itching, swelling, and, in some cases, severe allergic reactions.

The damage fire ants cause isn’t limited to their painful stings. Fire ants can wreak havoc on your lawn in several ways:

  • Unsightly Mounds: Fire ants build large, unsightly mounds on your lawn, disrupting its pristine appearance. These mounds can be up to 18 inches in diameter and create a tripping hazard for both humans and pets.
  • Plant Damage: Fire ants are not just voracious carnivores; they can also damage your plants. They feed on young plant roots and can inhibit plant growth, leading to unsightly patches and weakened vegetation.
  • Harm to Wildlife: Fire ants can harm local wildlife. They are known to consume ground-nesting birds’ eggs and small reptiles, affecting the natural balance of your yard’s ecosystem.

Learn More: 4 Tips for Protecting Your Children From Fire Ants

How to Tell if You Have Fire Ants in Your Yard

Identifying fire ant infestations without getting stung can be tricky, but there are some signs to look for:

  • Mounds: As mentioned earlier, fire ants build distinctive mounds. If you spot raised mounds of soil with no visible entrance hole, it’s likely a fire ant nest.
  • Aggressive Behavior: Fire ants are known for their aggressive nature. If you observe a group of ants behaving aggressively or swarming around food, water, or trash, they may be fire ants.
  • Sting Marks: If you, your family members, or pets suddenly have painful, itchy red welts, it could be a sign of fire ant stings.
  • Circular Patches of Dead Grass: Fire ants may damage your lawn, resulting in circular patches of dead or dying grass.
  • Presence of Larvae: Fire ant colonies produce larvae. If you dig gently around a suspected mound and find white or pale-colored larvae, it’s a strong indicator of a fire ant nest.

Learn More: Our Complete Guide to I.D.-ing & Managing Fire Ants

Protect Your Family and Your Lawn From the Fire Ant Threat

Fire ants pose a real threat to the safety of your family and pets, as well as the health and aesthetics of your lawn. If you spot signs of fire ants in your yard, don’t wait to contact Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Leesburg right away. We know how to handle a fire ant infestation once and for all. Don’t let these invasive pests ruin your outdoor haven; call us today at (407) 880-6655 for reliable fire ant control solutions.
