Summer is here, and you know what that means – sunshine, BBQs, and, of course, taking care of our beautiful lawns. While we all know that watering our grass is essential, did you know that overwatering during the summer can actually do more harm than good? Let’s dive into the six reasons why it’s crucial not to overwater your lawn during these hot months.

1. Root Rot Alert

Overwatering saturates the soil, drowning your grass’ roots. This can lead to a nasty condition called root rot, where the roots become waterlogged, weakening your lawn and making it more susceptible to disease.

2. Pest Paradise

Excess moisture attracts not just good bugs but also bad ones. Overwatering can create a haven for pests like fungus gnats and mosquitoes, which love breeding in puddles.

3. Weed Woes

Overwatered lawns are like an open invitation to weeds. Weeds thrive in wet conditions, so giving them too much moisture can lead to a weed takeover, making your lawn look less than stellar.

4. Waste of Resources

Overwatering is not just bad for your lawn; it’s also wasteful. You’re wasting water, your precious time, and your hard-earned money on unnecessary water bills.

5. Fungus Fighters

Diseases like brown patch fungus and dollar spot adore moisture. By overwatering, you’re essentially rolling out the red carpet for these pesky diseases to wreak havoc on your grass.

6. Soil Compaction

Too much water can lead to compacted soil, making it difficult for your lawn to breathe and grow. This stifles the root development, causing your grass to struggle. Professional lawn aeration from Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control is the solution.

So, how do you strike the right balance between keeping your lawn lush and green without overwatering? That’s where Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control comes to the rescue!

Learn More: Central Florida Lawn Watering Tips

Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Your Lawn’s Best Friend

Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control isn’t just your run-of-the-mill lawn care service. They are your lawn’s best friend, especially during the summer. Here’s how they can help:

  • Tailored Watering Plans: Evergreen understands that every lawn is unique. We’ll assess your lawn’s needs and provide you with a customized watering plan to ensure your grass gets just the right amount of moisture.
  • Eco-Friendly Treatments: Evergreen is committed to preserving the environment. We offer eco-friendly treatments like fertilization, disease control, and pest control to keep your lawn in top-notch shape without harming Mother Nature.
  • Expert Advice: With years of experience under our belt, the Evergreen team is a treasure trove of lawn care knowledge. We’ll provide you with expert advice on all aspects of lawn maintenance, ensuring your lawn looks its best season after season.

Learn More: Want a Beautiful Yard & Bug-Free Home? Become an Evergreen VIP!

So, say goodbye to overwatering woes and let Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Apopka take the guesswork out of lawn care. Your grass will thank you, and your neighbors will envy your luscious lawn from season to season! Call us today at (407) 880-6655 to transform your lawn into the envy of the neighborhood.

South Florida, known for its tropical climate and beautiful beaches, is also notorious for being a haven for pests, including the dreaded roaches. If you’re living in an apartment or condo in this region, chances are you’ve encountered these unwelcome visitors at least once. But just how common are roaches in South Florida apartments and condos, and what can you do to keep them at bay?

The Roach Conundrum

Roaches are a persistent and unwelcome presence in many South Florida apartments and condos. These tenacious pests have adapted well to the region’s tropical climate. The combination of balmy temperatures, ample rainfall, and lush vegetation offers roaches an abundance of natural food sources and hiding places. It’s really a haven for these resilient insects.

Apartments and condos, with their closely connected living spaces and shared walls, provide roaches with numerous opportunities for movement and infestation. These pests are not only capable of scurrying between units but also of traversing through wall voids and plumbing systems. It’s challenging to contain their spread once they’ve infiltrated a building. Also, the high resident turnover in many apartment complexes and condominiums can inadvertently encourage the roaches’ unchecked multiplication. They love to exploit these transient environments to establish new nests.

Roaches are nocturnal creatures. They’re often most active when you’re least likely to see them. This stealthy behavior and their ability to hide in tiny cracks and crevices make them difficult to detect until populations reach infestation levels. By the time you spot a roach scuttling across your kitchen counter or bathroom floor, it’s likely that there are many more hiding in the shadows.

Learn More: Can One Roach Cause an Infestation?

Prevention is Key to Keeping Your Space Roach-Free

While it might be challenging to eliminate the risk of a roach infestation, there are several steps you can take to significantly reduce the chances of encountering these pests in your living space:

  • Keep it Clean: Maintaining a clean and clutter-free living environment is your first line of defense against roaches. Regularly sweep, mop, and vacuum to remove crumbs and food debris that might attract them.
  • Seal Entry Points: Roaches can slip through the tiniest of openings. Seal cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and pipes to prevent them from finding their way in.
  • Store Food Properly: Roaches are excellent scavengers, and they’ll go after any accessible food source. Keep food sealed in airtight containers and avoid leaving dirty dishes out overnight.
  • Dispose of Trash Promptly: Make sure to take out the trash regularly, and keep bins tightly sealed. Roaches are attracted to the scent of garbage.
  • Fix Leaks: Roaches are drawn to moisture. Repair any leaks or drips in your apartment to eliminate potential water sources.

Learn More: DIY-ing Pest Control – Is It Worth It?

Evergreen of Ft. Lauderdale: Your Roach Busting Partner

While roaches may be common in South Florida apartments and condos, you don’t have to tolerate their presence. By implementing preventative measures like cleanliness, sealing entry points, and proper food storage, you can significantly reduce the risk of infestations.

In cases where roaches prove to be a persistent problem, don’t hesitate to call on the experts at Evergreen of Ft. Lauderdale. With their specialized knowledge and proven solutions, they’ll help you reclaim your living space from these unwelcome guests. Contact us today at (954) 568-9955 for your free pest evaluation and take the first step towards a roach-free environment.

You’ve just had a pest control treatment at your home. You’re excited because you’re expecting a bug-free zone. But wait, what’s this? You start to see more bugs crawling around than before the treatment. Panic sets in, and you wonder, “Is this normal?” Fortunately, it is. For more clarification on this common problem, keep reading to unlock this buggy mystery.

The Aftermath of Pest Control

First things first—seeing more bugs after a pest control treatment is quite common. It might sound counterintuitive, but it’s not necessarily a sign that the treatment has failed. It often indicates that the treatment is doing its job. Here’s why:

  • Flushed Out and Freaked Out: Pest control treatments are often designed to flush pests out of their hiding places. Creepy crawlies that were once cozy in their nooks and crannies are suddenly forced out. So, when you see them scurrying about, it’s usually because they’re desperately trying to escape the treated areas.
  • Lingering Pests: Some pests are hardy and might not succumb immediately to the treatment. They could remain active for a while until the chemicals take full effect. This is why you might spot them after the initial treatment.
  • Residual Effects: Many pest control treatments have a residual effect. They continue to work for a period after application. So, if you see bugs in the days following the treatment, they could be encountering these lingering, pesticide-laden surfaces and meeting their doom.

Learn More: Is Quarterly Pest Control Necessary in Florida?

Give It Time

Now, don’t hit the panic button just yet. Always give the treatment some time to work its magic. It’s entirely normal to see an increase in pest activity immediately after the treatment, but this should gradually decrease as the treatment takes full effect.

In the meantime, resist the urge to use DIY pest control solutions. Over-the-counter sprays can actually interfere with the professional treatment and reduce its effectiveness. Also, they’re often made with harmful chemicals that may be unsafe for people, pets, and the environment. In short, DIY pest control is never worth it. It’s best to be patient and let the experts’ work unfold. In no time, you’ll have a pest-free home and yard.

Learn More: 5 Common Summer Bugs in Central Florida

Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control: Your Eco-Friendly Solution

If you’re worried about the chemicals used in pest control, especially if you have kids and pets around, consider choosing a company like Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Orlando. We specialize in eco-friendly pest control solutions that are safe for your entire family. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 to schedule your free pest evaluation and say goodbye to these unwanted guests for good!

As the summer heat begins to subside, and the days grow shorter, fall arrives in Florida, bringing a welcome relief from scorching temperatures. While fall may not bring the colorful foliage seen in other parts of the country, it does bring its own set of challenges to Florida lawns. Here are the most common fall threats to Florida lawns to look out for, so you can maintain a vibrant and healthy lawn through the autumn months.

Fungal Diseases

With the increase in humidity and occasional rainfall during the fall season, fungal diseases become a significant threat to Florida lawns. Diseases like brown patch and dollar spot can quickly take hold, leaving unsightly brown patches on your grass. To prevent fungal diseases, avoid overwatering, improve air circulation, and use a well-balanced fertilizer.

Learn More: 5 Ways to Care for a Florida Lawn in the Fall


Weeds are a year-round nuisance in Florida, but they can become particularly problematic in the fall. Weeds like crabgrass and broadleaf weeds thrive in the cooler temperatures of autumn. Regularly mow your lawn to keep weeds in check and consider applying a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weed growth.

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are notorious for damaging Florida lawns during the fall. These tiny insects feed on grass, causing yellow and brown patches. Keep an eye out for signs of chinch bug infestation, such as discolored grass and a strong, unpleasant odor. Treating your lawn with insecticides specifically designed for chinch bugs can help control their population.

Learn More: 5 Tips to Avoid Chinch Bug Lawn Damage

Dry Spells

While fall typically brings relief from the summer rains, it can also bring dry spells. Inconsistent rainfall can lead to drought stress in your lawn. To combat this threat, ensure your lawn receives adequate water by using a sprinkler system or a soaker hose. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth.

Thatch Buildup

Thatch is a layer of dead grass and organic matter that accumulates on the soil’s surface. Fall is a prime time for thatch buildup due to the falling leaves and increased grass clippings. A thick thatch layer can hinder water and nutrient absorption by the roots. Regular dethatching with a specialized machine or by hiring a professional lawn care service can help maintain a healthy lawn.

Leaf Accumulation

While the rest of the country enjoys the colorful display of falling leaves, Floridians must contend with the potential harm they can cause to their lawns. Leaves left on the lawn can smother the grass, block sunlight, and create a breeding ground for pests and diseases. To mitigate this threat, regularly rake or use a leaf blower to remove fallen leaves from your lawn.

Lawn Scalping

In the quest to prepare lawns for fall, some homeowners make the mistake of scalping their grass, cutting it too short. This practice can damage the grass and make it more susceptible to pests and diseases. Instead, adjust your mower blades to the appropriate height for your grass type and only remove a third of the grass blade at a time.


While it’s essential to feed your lawn, overfertilization can harm your grass. Fall is not the time for excessive fertilization, as it can stimulate new growth that may not have time to harden before winter. Follow a balanced fertilization schedule and consider soil testing to determine your lawn’s specific nutrient needs.

Get Your Lawn Ready for Fall

In the face of the common fall threats that can challenge your Florida lawn, you don’t have to go it alone. Evergreen of South Florida is here to support homeowners in addressing these issues head-on. From tackling fungal diseases to combating pesky pests like chinch bugs, ensuring balanced and appropriate fertilization to applying pre-emergent weed treatments, our expert team is dedicated to preparing your lawn for the fall season and beyond. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 for your free lawn care evaluation!
