Is your lawn not looking as lush and green as it should, even though you’re taking great care of it? A pest issue could be to blame. Lawn pests are common throughout Florida, and several will snack on your grass and even your ornamental plants. If you suspect something’s eating your Florida lawn, here are the top three pests to look out for.

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are destructive pests throughout Florida. There are several species of chinch bugs throughout the state, and they each prefer a particular type of grass. So, no matter what grass grows in your lawn, it’s vulnerable to damage from these hungry pests. While chinch bugs are difficult to see, here are some identifying characteristics:

  • Distinct coloring, with black, white, and red spots
  • Hard bodies with wings that fold over their backs
  • Tiny size, with most species measuring only about 1/8 to 1/4 inch in length

Most Florida lawns have small populations of chinch bugs, and this typically isn’t a problem. When these pests increase in large numbers, though, they’ll feed on and destroy your grass and plants, injecting toxins that prevent them from getting moisture and nutrients from the soil. Your lawn and ornamental plants will turn yellow and die, so controlling an infestation early—with the help of Evergreen—is critical.


Whiteflies commonly attack ornamental plants rather than grass, so if you spot whiteflies in your lawn, it’s a good indicator they came from your plants. Whiteflies suck fluids from plants, and infestations are often only noticed when leaves turn yellow or spotted. 

A whitefly infestation is difficult to control and is best left to the experts at Evergreen. Most homeowners mistakenly apply an insecticide to control whiteflies, but this often eliminates natural whitefly predators and makes the problem worse. Monitor your plants by frequently checking the underside of leaves for these tiny white insects and contact Evergreen immediately to eliminate an infestation the right way.

Mole Crickets

Mole crickets are often attracted to lawns with Bahiagrass. These troublesome pests are a serious problem in Florida, and they tunnel through and snack on the roots of your grass, as well as plant leaves. Three species of mole crickets are common in South Florida, including the large tawny mole cricket, the dark brown southern mole cricket, and the short-winged mole cricket. 

While you can pour a mixture of detergent and water to test your lawn for mole crickets, it’s best to call the pest control experts at Evergreen right away. We deal with mole crickets the eco-friendly way, protecting beneficial predators and eliminating infestations quickly and effectively.

Get Year-Round Protection for Your Lawn

Floridians are all too familiar with dealing with pesky pests invading their lawns. From caterpillars to chinch bugs, these nuisances can wreak havoc on your beautiful grass and vegetation. It’s important to know the type of pest that you are dealing with so that you can appropriately treat it before damage is done to your yard. 

Call the lawn care and pest control experts at Evergreen of Oakland Park at (954) 568-9955 for your free lawn pest evaluation. We’ll detect the presence of any nuisance pests that may be setting up shop in your yard and provide a comprehensive treatment plan to keep your lawn pest-free this spring and beyond!

Mealybugs are common throughout Florida, and while they may be small, they can do some serious damage to your lawn and garden if left unchecked. These insects are actually a collection of hundreds of species, and they thrive in Florida’s warm, humid weather. Read on to learn all about mealybugs and what causes them, as well as tips for preventing a mealybug infestation.

What Are Mealybugs?

Mealybugs can be quite a nuisance, particularly when it comes to citrus and other commercial crops. Unfortunately for home gardeners, mealybugs are attracted to and infest tropical species of indoor houseplants as well. To avoid a potential mealybug invasion in your own home, make sure not to over-fertilize or overwater your plants –nitrogen levels that are too high attract these troublesome pests. 

These small, oval, sap-sucking insects are closely related to scale insects. They’re common in warmer climates, and a heavy infestation in your lawn and garden often requires repeated treatments. Over time, mealybugs can cause the leaves of plants to yellow and die. In severe infestations, the waxy excretions (or honeydew) these insects leave behind encourage the development of sooty mold fungus. 

Mealybugs also live indoors on house plants. They often have a white, cottony appearance, so they’re easy to identify indoors or outdoors. Treating the problem is often a different story, and it can be difficult to rid your home or yard from these damaging pests.

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs

It’s often only possible to get rid of a very light mealybug infestation on your own. Some simple remedies include:

  • Washing the Bugs Away. A steady stream of water can often dislodge mealybugs from plants. Keep in mind that some plants can’t tolerate this type of treatment, and it only works for very light infestations.
  • Using Isopropyl Alcohol. Alcohol kills mealybugs instantly, but this technique is best for only small infestations on indoor houseplants. Soak a cotton ball in a solution of no more than 70% isopropyl alcohol and wipe it directly on mealybugs. It’s best to test on one leaf only to ensure the alcohol won’t burn the plant.
  • Using neem oil. Neem oil is a great way to get rid of mealybugs naturally. When used as directed, neem oil not only hinders insect growth and development, but it also acts as a natural repellant. It’s safe to use on both ornamentals and edible plants.

Deal With Mealybugs and Other Nuisance Pests With the Help of Service Choice of West Palm Beach

Mealybugs can present a nuisance to those with houseplants and gardens; however, they don’t have to be an ongoing problem. Service Choice of West Palm Beach is standing by to help. After a free initial pest control inspection, we’ll provide a targeted treatment plan that eliminates mealybugs and any other nuisance pests that may be living in your home or garden. Call us today at (561) 734-9269 to schedule your free inspection!

Having trouble fixing troublesome bare patches in your yard? While every homeowner dreams of a healthy, thriving lawn, it’s a very difficult feat to achieve. If you’re dealing with bare or bald spots in your yard, here’s what you can do to treat them.

Determine the Cause of Bare Spots in Your Yard

If you want to treat bald patches in your yard, the first thing you must do is determine what the underlying issue might be. Thin or bare areas of a lawn can be caused by several lawn care issues, including:

  • Heavy foot traffic that leads to soil compaction
  • Heavy shade from trees
  • Insect infestations
  • Misapplication of weed or insect control products
  • Prolonged drought
  • Weed infestations
  • And more

Getting to the root cause of the problem is critical when it comes to avoiding future bald patches. Instead of leaving it to guesswork, reach out to your lawn care experts who can take an informed look at things like your soil, grass type, and potential problems like pests or diseases to determine how to best treat the issue. 

Repairing Bare Areas of Your Lawn

There are several techniques for repairing bare areas of grass—it all depends on the specific problem you’re facing. Reach out to your trusted lawn care technician to determine the cause of the problem. The method for fixing it could include one or more of the following:

  • Seeding. While many homeowners believe that overselling a lawn can quickly fill in bare patches, this technique only works under the right conditions. If you plan to seed in the spring or the fall—when air and soil temperatures are ideal for the process, make sure the soil is prepared. If your soil is compacted due to heavy foot traffic, your technician may suggest core aeration to let the soil breathe and absorb helpful nutrients. Many Florida lawns also have an acidic soil pH, so may also need to balance the soil pH to ensure good seed establishment.
  • Insect Control. If insects are the cause of bare spots in your yard, your lawn care technician will suggest an insect control program to deal with the problem of insects while protecting beneficial species.
  • Disease Control. Sometimes, fungus or disease can be the cause of bare spots in your lawn. Your lawn care technician will prescribe a comprehensive disease control course to treat the issue.
  • Fertilizer Application. If your lawn has poor soil conditions, fertilizer application may help fix bare spots. Your lawn care technician will apply an appropriate fertilizer at the right time, especially if you’re re-seeding the bare patches.

The Guaranteed Way to Fix Bare Spots in Your Lawn 

Fixing bare spots in your lawn is a more challenging task than it seems. Rather than leaving it to guesswork and ending up with a patchy lawn right in the middle of growing season, let the lawn care experts at Service Choice of Ft. Lauderdale fix your lawn the right way.

After an initial consultation, we’ll develop a customized lawn care treatment program that meets the unique needs of your grass and encourages healthy, long-term growth. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation

Whiteflies are a year-round problem in Florida, and when they invade your garden, they’re very difficult to get rid of. While whiteflies don’t bite people, they’re happy to feast on the plants in your garden, sucking the sap from plant leaves as they lay more eggs and reproduce. But do whiteflies carry disease? The truth is whiteflies can transmit several major plant and vegetable viruses. Here’s what you need to know about these troublesome pests, and how you can control them.

What Are Whiteflies?

Whiteflies are soft-bodied, winged insects that are white in color. These bugs can be as tiny as 1/12 of an inch long, looking like tiny white triangles as they travel across the plants in your garden.

In South Florida, whiteflies do major damage to ornamental plants and trees, sucking the sap right out of the leaves. Many of these plants–especially ficus hedges–are used for privacy and leaving the plants with no leaves eliminates the privacy homeowners enjoy.

If you have a vegetable garden, you should be on the lookout for whiteflies. They’re fond of warm-weather vegetable plants like cabbage, eggplant, peppers, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. If you notice these bugs on your plants and do nothing, you’d be surprised at how quickly they can reproduce. In the spring and summer in South Florida, rising temperatures speed up the whitefly life cycle even more, so they have the potential to ruin your garden very quickly.

Whiteflies Can Transmit Viruses

In addition to the damage they cause from sucking out the sweet sap of plant leaves, whiteflies also inject salivary fluids while feeding. The viruses they carry can cause plant disorders and transmit plant viruses. So, keeping whitefly populations under control not only keeps the plants in your own garden healthy, but it also protects plants in your region’s entire ecosystem.

Whiteflies Are Difficult to Control

Once whiteflies have infested and begun to multiply, they’re extremely hard to get rid of. In many cases, they’re even resistant to pesticides. You can take some proactive steps to prevent a whitefly infestation, like:

  • Encouraging natural predators of whiteflies, like ladybugs, spiders, and dragonflies, by creating a habitat that’s attractive to them. In some situations, this can also reduce the mosquito population in your yard.
  • Ensuring that your irrigation system is providing sufficient water to your plants’ roots, so plants aren’t stressed and prone to whitefly defoliation.
  • Mulching early in the season with aluminum reflective mulch, making it harder for whiteflies to find host plants.

What to Do If Whiteflies Invade Your Yard

If you’ve spotted whiteflies on your plants, don’t wait to act. It can be difficult to deal with a whitefly infestation on your own, and chemicals advertised to kill whiteflies often end up killing beneficial insects. At the first sign of a whitefly infestation, call the whitefly removal experts at Service Choice of South Florida at (954) 568-9955. After your free consultation, we’ll create a customized treatment plan that lets you say goodbye to whiteflies for good. 
