If you’re a homeowner looking to maintain a healthy lawn, fertilization is an essential part of your lawn care routine. When it comes to lawn fertilizer, you have two general types to choose from—granular and liquid. While both options offer their own unique benefits, it’s crucial to understand the differences between them before deciding which one is right for you. By the end of this guide, you’ll be a fertilization pro and on your way to a lush, green lawn.

What Is Granular Fertilizer?

Granular fertilizers are dry and are packaged as pellets. While there are some fast-release granular fertilizers, most are slow-release, gradually feeding nutrients to the grass for a long period. Your lawn typically only needs one application of slow-release granular fertilizer during prime growing season. 

What Is Liquid Fertilizer?

As the name implies, liquid fertilizer is a liquid that must be diluted with water and then applied to your lawn. In some cases, liquid fertilizers are packaged as a dry, water-soluble powder that must be mixed with water.

Liquid fertilizers are typically quick-release solutions, immediately providing nutrients to the grass. Since the grass absorbs and uses these nutrients quickly, you must apply liquid fertilizer more frequently than granular. 

Granular and Liquid Fertilizers Have the Same Nutrients

While granular and liquid fertilizers differ in their forms and methods of application, they supply the same critical nutrients your grass needs: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. So, whether you apply a granular or liquid fertilizer, your grass is getting the same nutrients.

Keep in mind, though, that formulations differ according to their ratio of ingredients. Need help finding the right formulation for your lawn? Don’t leave it to guesswork, and instead reach out to your local lawn care experts to find the best solution that matches what your lawn needs. 

Why You Should Use Granular and Liquid Fertilizers for Your Lawn

At Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control, we understand that every lawn is different with its own unique needs. When you partner with us to care for your lawn, we implement a customized fertilization plan that uses both granular and liquid fertilizers, depending on what your grass needs. Here’s how we use these products:

Granular, or slow-release, fertilizer is ideal if you’re promoting long-term grass health. If your lawn’s already well-established, we use slow-release fertilizer to keep your grass lush and thick while preventing big spikes in growth. 

Liquid, or quick-release, fertilizer shows results sooner, so it’s a good option when you want to green up your yard. It’s also an ideal starter for new lawns, giving them a jump start on growth. 

Keep Your Grass Green With the Help of Service Choice of Oakland Park

Wondering whether granular or liquid fertilizer is best for your lawn? The truth is, both have their benefits, but finding the perfect type and delivering it at the right time can be a daunting task. That’s why it’s best to seek the help of trusted lawn care experts like Service Choice of Oakland Park.

Our lawn care experts can provide personalized recommendations and advice to ensure your lawn receives the best treatment for long-term healthy growth. So, whether you opt for granular or liquid fertilizer, remember to consult our experts first. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 for your free consultation!

Noticing your plants aren’t looking as healthy as they should? You may have a whitefly infestation on your hands. These nuisance pests are prevalent throughout South Florida since they can overwinter and reproduce throughout the year, and they feed on both outdoor and indoor plants. Here’s how to identify a whitefly infestation, and how you can get rid of these damaging pests once and for all.

What Are Whiteflies?

Whiteflies are tiny, soft-bodied, winged insects that are similar to aphids and mealybugs—two other harmful pests that are common throughout Florida. They’re white in color and somewhat triangular in shape. Typically, you’ll find whiteflies grouped in clusters on the underside of leaves. They can rapidly reproduce outdoors in early summer as the weather gets warm and humid, and they snack on a white variety of plants in your garden—from ornamental flowers to warm-weather vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and okra.

How to Identify Whiteflies

If your plants are becoming weak and the leaves start wilting or turning pale or yellow, a whitefly infestation may be to blame. Check the underside of the leaves of your plants not just for these tiny white bugs, but also for the honeydew they leave behind. This sticky substance often leads to fungal diseases on leaves, including sooty mold. If you find honeydew on your plants’ leaves, it’s a good indication that whiteflies have been feeding for several days and you’re likely dealing with an infestation.

How to Get Rid of Whiteflies

There are various methods of controlling whiteflies, but most of them only work if you catch the infestation very early. Whiteflies reproduce rapidly, so it can be hard to stay on top of an infestation before these pesky insects do damage to every plant in your yard. Here are some DIY whitefly control methods to try:

  • Start by blasting whiteflies with your watering hose. This often causes them to scatter, and it may dislodge nymphs and eggs to an extent. 
  • Apply insecticidal soap on the leaves of your plants, making sure to follow all manufacturer’s directions. Spray the underside of leaves and re-apply two to three times if necessary. Remember that it’s best to spray plants in the evenings since applying during the heat of the day can do damage to plants. Spraying in the evening also helps you avoid accidentally spraying beneficial insects, like whitefly natural predators and pollinators.
  • Use a simple mixture of dish soap and water and spray the plants late in the day. This benign combination can help keep whitefly populations low without doing damage to your plants.

Whitefly Control Isn’t a DIY Job

Once whiteflies have set up shop in your yard, they’re nearly impossible to get rid of. That’s where the whitefly control experts at Service Choice of West Palm Beach can help. Using eco-friendly treatment methods—including preservation of natural predators—we can eliminate even the most widespread whitefly infestations and keep them from returning. Call us today at (561) 734-9269 to schedule your free consultation!

Concerned about a chinch bug infestation in your South Florida lawn? You should be–these nuisance pests can cause significant damage to an otherwise healthy lawn. If you suspect you’re dealing with a chinch bug infestation in your lawn, here’s everything you need to know, including the signs and symptoms of a chinch bug problem, and whether you can expect your grass to grow back after an infestation. 

Chinch Bugs Can Do Serious Damage to Lawns

While browning, wilting grass can be caused by drought conditions, a chinch bug infestation can cause the same type of stress to your turf. At around 1/5-inch long, the tiny chinch bug pierces grass blades to ingest the nutritious fluids within.

Unfortunately, chinch bug saliva enters the grass and prevents moisture from moving throughout the blades’ internal vessels. As chinch bugs feast on your lawn, they do serious damage to the turf—and grass can only grow back if the infestation isn’t severe. 

The Consequences of a Light Chinch Bug Infestation

The best way to deal with a chinch bug infestation is to catch it early. Light infestations are characterized by less than 15 chinch bugs in a 1-square-foot area. Even a small infestation can cause visible damage, and you’ll likely notice dead patches of lawn that look like brown puddles in your green turf. 

After you work with Service Choice of Ft. Lauderdale to remove a light infestation, our lawn care technicians can typically restore damaged areas of turf. It may take several weeks to notice recovery as the chinch bugs’ toxic saliva works its way through the damaged grass.

Heavy Chinch Bug Infestations Cause Significant Damage

If you notice 20 to 25 chinch bugs in a 1-square-foot area, you’re dealing with a heavy chinch bug infestation in your lawn. Often, heavy infestations cause widespread yellowing or browning to the turf as it slowly dies. The turf usually can’t recover from this damage because the grass blades can’t produce energy as it’s dying. Without photosynthesis as a catalyst, no new growth is possible at both the root and blade level. 

Service Choice of Ft. Lauderdale can treat a heavy chinch bug infestation and provide solutions to create a lush lawn once again. From re-seeding to sodding, we’ll restore your lawn in the best way possible for your situation. 

Prevent Long-Term Damage to Your Lawn by Dealing With a Chinch Bug Infestation Right Away

If you notice areas of your lawn that look thin or discolored, it’s important to have a pest control professional inspect your lawn for chinch bugs. Early detection and treatment are key to protecting your lawn from serious damage.

The lawn care and pest control experts at Service Choice of Ft. Lauderdale are standing by to help. We’ll handle any chinch bug infestation you’re dealing with and provide effective strategies that restore your lawn to picture-perfect condition. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 for your free inspection and evaluation

Maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn requires more than just regular watering and mowing. It takes a comprehensive approach that includes fertilization, weed control, and pest management. This is where a reliable and experienced lawn care service provider comes in. Finding the right provider can seem challenging, but you’ll find the process is easy when you consider the following criteria:

Understand Each Company’s Reputation

One of the first things you consider as you search for the right lawn care service provider is the reputation of your potential choices. While Google or Yelp reviews can’t provide a complete “picture” of a company’s reputation, they do offer a good idea of what you can expect from a particular service provider.

You could also ask your neighbors, friends, or family about the companies they rely on for lawn care, so you can weed out unreliable or expensive companies that don’t provide a high level of service.

Determine Whether the Company Is Licensed and Insured

When it comes to providing lawn care services, being licensed and insured is critical. Unfortunately, it’s not the industry standard. Hiring a licensed and insured lawn care provider gives you peace of mind and ensures that you and your property are protected. 

When a lawn care service provider is licensed, it means that the provider has met the necessary requirements and regulations to operate legally. It also means the provider is knowledgeable about local laws and safety standards. In addition, the service provider’s insurance protects both you and the lawn care company in case of any accidents or damage that may occur during the lawn care process. Without insurance, you could be held liable for any injuries or property damage that occurs on your property during the lawn care service. 

Determine the Company’s Level of Customer Service

Not all lawn care service providers provide an exceptional level of customer service, so as you contact potential candidates for quotes and estimates, pay close attention to their commitment to customer service. Too often, getting a quote, signing up for services, and getting modifications done can be a hassle. Many companies are disorganized and unresponsive, leaving customers feeling frustrated and undervalued. Luckily, it’s possible to find a diamond in the rough.

Look for a lawn care company that prioritizes customer service with an office manager or owner-operator who responds promptly and reasonably. Choose a company that is up-to-date on technology and can be reached through email or social media. Utilizing lawn care scheduling and billing software shows the company is organized and efficient, leaving you with more time to enjoy your lush and healthy lawn.

Trust Evergreen of South Florida to Take Great Care of Your Lawn

Looking for the best lawn care service in South Florida? You can trust the team at Evergreen of South Florida to take exceptional care of your lawn. Using the right equipment, products, and techniques, we’ll bring your lawn back to life and keep it thriving.

So, don’t settle for just any lawn care company. Choose the one that has a proven track record of delivering excellent results and exceptional customer service. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 to schedule your free consultation
