As spring approaches, South Florida residents are on the lookout for the area’s largest nuisance invader—the whitefly. Since the early 2000s, two pesky species of whitefly have emerged in the region: the Ficus whitefly and the Rugose spiraling whitefly. While these two species have their unique traits, they both feed on leaves, injuring plants and damaging landscapes in West Palm Beach and the surrounding areas.

Whiteflies are expected to be even more invasive this year, which means homeowners should be extra-vigilant against these damaging pests. Here’s why the whitefly problem is so bad in Florida this year, and what you can do to prevent a whitefly infestation at your property.

The Whitefly Problem in Florida

Whiteflies love hot weather, and the lack of any real winter in Florida for the past several years may be to blame for the high population of these damaging insects. With few freezes this winter, whitefly populations show no signs of slowing down.

A dry winter has also reduced the number of natural fungal diseases that naturally reduce whitefly populations. Without moisture during the cooler months of the year, the diseases that keep whiteflies in check simply aren’t kicking in. The combination of warm, dry weather means that a difficult whitefly season is in store for Floridians this spring.

Signs of Whitefly Damage

How can you tell if whiteflies have invaded your landscape? Take a close look at your plants. Whiteflies gather in large numbers on the underside of leaves, damaging the plant by piercing the tissue and eating the sap. Like aphids and mealybugs, whiteflies excrete “honeydew,” a sticky substance that often attracts ants and creates a black, sooty mold on plants.

As whiteflies damage plants in your yard, you’ll notice leaves turning yellow or silvery. As the damage continues, the leaves will dry and drop from plants, and heavily infested plants will eventually die.

Be Proactive Against Whiteflies

The best way to control a whitefly invasion is to take early action at the first possible sign of the pest. If you’ve had whitefly problems in the past, this year is projected to be even worse. Be proactive to keep these nuisance pests from damaging your beautiful landscape by contacting the whitefly control experts, like the ones at Service Choice of West Palm Beach.

Our pioneering whitefly control treatments prevent both the Ficus whitefly and rugose spiraling whitefly from invading your landscape. Using root drenches, basil trunk treatments, or direct trunk injections, we apply high-performing insecticides to eliminate whitefly populations. In some cases, we supplement with foliar sprays, all while protecting beneficial insects that reduce whitefly populations naturally. The time to act against whiteflies is now! Call Service Choice of West Palm Beach today at (561) 734-9269 to schedule a free inspection and estimate of your property.

Many nuisance pests thrive in South Florida thanks to the region’s unique hot and humid climate. Ants pose a significant problem for many South Florida homeowners—even in the cleanest of houses, it’s not unusual to find a trail of these tiny six-legged creatures marching along the floor, across countertops, or up walls.

The State of Florida is home to nearly 20 different ant species and identifying any ants living on your property is critical for effective elimination. While you should always consult with a pest control expert for the most accurate ant identification, here’s a brief guide to the most common types of ants in South Florida, so you know what type of infestation you’re dealing with:

  • Argentine Ants: These ants are shiny, dark black, and very industrious. While they like to build nests near water sources beneath stones or boards, they can also live indoors in wall voids and insulation. Their sheer population size can cause chaos in any home—they reproduce rapidly and form interconnecting colonies that lead to massive infestations.
  • Carpenter Ants: Often mistaken for termites, carpenter ants are common in South Florida. These dark black ants can grow to ½” in length, and they pose a danger to any household as they feed on the wood used in homes and other structures. If you’re dealing with heavy carpenter ant activity, it’s a good indication you have a moisture issue within your home.
  • Fire Ants: Reddish-brown in color and growing up to ¼” in length, fire ants are aggressive and will attack any person or animal they deem a threat. You’ll often find them in South Florida yards living in dome-shaped nests that they vigilantly protect.
  • Ghost Ants: These tiny ants are very common throughout South Florida and love to make themselves at home in your kitchen. Ranging from 1.3 to 1.5 millimeters long, these pesky ants can quickly contaminate food, and finding and removing a colony can be challenging.

Ants Are a Threat to Your Home, Family, and Pets

Ants put your property and family at risk, no matter what type of species has invaded your home or yard. When ants make their way indoors, they’re constantly searching for food, contaminating surfaces with bacteria as they travel through your home.

While all ants pose potential health hazards, there’s one species you have to worry about when it comes to biting—the fire ant. Although fire ants prefer living outdoors, they’re still a threat to your family and pets. Fire ant bites hurt, and their venom is strong enough to cause an allergic reaction that ranges from mild to severe. In short, no matter what type of ant species you’re dealing with inside your home or outside in your yard, you need to call in the pest control experts to handle the problem and keep your family safe.

Call Service Choice of South Florida at the First Sign of an Ant Infestation

Ants are resilient pests, and no matter the species, they reproduce fast. Rather than resorting to DIY ant control methods—and risking the health and safety of your family—call Service Choice of South Florida today at (954) 568-9955. Using family-friendly pest control methods, we’ll get your home and yard ant-free in no time.

Worried your South Florida property is infested with whiteflies? In our warm climate, these nuisance pests are rapid reproducers that can attack ornamental plants and trees, vegetable gardens, and more. There are over 75 species of whitefly in Florida, but the two most problematic for Florida landscapes are the ficus whitefly and the rugose spiraling whitefly. Read on to learn what you need to know about whiteflies, and how you can deal with the problem the worry-free way.

What Are Whiteflies?

Of South Florida pests that can invade your lawn and garden, whiteflies are among the worst. These tiny, white, soft-bodied flies can easily be missed when a few first appear. Since they multiply so quickly, it’s often usually not until they have reached epidemic proportions that you notice them.

If you suspect you have a whitefly problem in your landscape, regularly check the plants to make sure they’re healthy and insect-free. Look closely at the underside of leaves for white specks or a fine, powdery substance, whiteflies may have set up shop in your garden. Don’t worry if you spot ladybugs or spiders on your plants—they’re natural predators of the whitefly and can help keep populations down.

While whiteflies are generally seasonal pests that may not make it back after the winter, they could remain a problem if temperatures stay warm during the winter. It’s important to check for symptoms in your garden to determine if you’re dealing with a whitefly problem:

  • Brittle, dry leaves that turn yellow, then die
  • Poor plant growth
  • Sticky residue whiteflies leave on plant leaves, which can also lead to fungal infections

Many homeowners wonder how they got whiteflies in the first place. These pests are typically introduced into your landscape on infested plants that you’ve purchased, or they may have spread to your yard from an infested garden in the neighborhood. They’ll even make their way indoors, invading and feeding on your houseplants. One thing is certain—no matter how whiteflies arrived at your property, you should waste no time getting rid of them.

How Service Choice Treats Whiteflies

For years, Service Choice has been at the forefront of whitefly control. Working with the University of Florida IFAS and the Broward and Palm Beach County Extension Agencies, we’ve developed an innovative program that includes root drenches, basil trunk treatments, or direct trunk injections using high-quality systemic insecticides. Depending on your situation, we can supplement these treatments with foliar sprays while protecting beneficial insects that can naturally aid in the total eradication of both common species, the ficus whitefly and the rugose spiraling whitefly.

Helping South Florida Keep Whiteflies Under Control

Dealing with a whitefly problem at your property? The certified whitefly technicians at Service Choice of Oakland Park are ready to help! Please call us today at (954) 568-9955 to learn more about our whitefly treatment program and to schedule a free inspection and estimate of your property.

While there’s plenty to love about South Florida’s unique climate, nuisance pests love the state’s warm, humid weather, too. The entire region is highly susceptible to infestations, but there’s one pest that’s often more troublesome than the rest—the cockroach. Whether you call them palmetto bugs, water bugs, or croton bugs, one thing is certain: a cockroach infestation is more than a mere annoyance—it can even affect your health. Here’s what you need to know about Florida cockroaches, and how you can keep them out of your home.

Cockroaches Are Dangerous

Cockroaches are much more than gross, nuisance pests. Once they make their way inside your home, they post several potential health issues. Cockroaches in the kitchen can contaminate everything they touch, exposing dishes, food, glasses, silverware and more with Salmonella, the pathogen that causes food poisoning.

Cockroaches also carry other worrying pathogens like staphylococcus, E. coli, and at least 31 other kinds of bacteria. On top of that, they can also carry 6 species of parasitic worms. In short, you want to keep cockroaches far away from your home—the health and safety of your family depends on it.

Common Florida Cockroach Species

There are several cockroach species that thrive in South Florida, including the American, Australian, and Smokeybrown varieties. While most cockroaches measure between one to two inches in length, they vary widely in their coloration. No matter what type of cockroach you’ve spotted in your home, chances are, if you see one, there are many others nearby.

Eliminating any pest problem starts with accurate identification. Rather than leaving it to guesswork, reach out to your trusted pest control experts immediately. Your pest control professional can accurately determine what type of cockroach has made your home their own.

Signs of a Cockroach Infestation

The sooner you deal with a cockroach infestation, the better. Sometimes, you may be dealing with an infestation even if you haven’t spotted a roach scurrying throughout your home. If you notice any of the following signs of infestation, call your trusted pest control experts immediately:

  • Strong odors. If you’re noticing a strange odor, it could be due to a roach infestation. These bugs emit a strong, musty odor that lingers in the air and can even alter the taste of food.
  • Spotting feces in tight spaces like behind stoves or refrigerators? Roach droppings look like flecks of pepper, brown stains, or oval pellets, depending on what species you’re dealing with.
  • Check tight spaces, like cracks in walls or in your pantry, for oothecae, or roach egg cases. These brown, oblong cases hold multiple eggs.

Any Cockroach Infestation Is Serious—the Pest Control Experts at Service Choice Are Ready to Help

No matter what species of cockroach you’re dealing with, an infestation can be difficult to remove. Save yourself the time, money, and hassle—and protect your family’s health—by reaching out to the pest control experts at Service Choice of West Palm Beach at the first sign of infestation. We’ll take care of the problem once and for all, so you can get back to enjoying life in your home. Call us today at (561) 734-9269 to schedule your free consultation!
